Our program
Education programme is the key rehabilitative programme employed by DAF in rehabilitating, restoring hope and nurturing talents of Children and youths with disabilities in Somalia. The programme is tailored to enable beneficiaries’ access both basic and highest education possible through enhancing Inclusive Education (IE). Education is both a right in itself, and a means of realizing other human rights. DAF works in partnership and collaboration to support local communities in Somalia access quality education which is inclusive to all including Children with Disabilities (CwDs). DAF provides training services especially for teachers on inclusive and effective delivery of special education needs and disability (SEND). This has been achieved in partnership with the Ministries of Education (MOEs) in South and Central States of Somalia and also with both international and local agencies in the education sector. This is further reinforced by production and translation of teaching and learning materials for teachers and students. To realize our goal in education sector, we strive towards removing the social, communicative, attitudinal, physical, and policy related barriers towards children with special needs so that the learning environment can be enabling. Our programs are guided by the;
- United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC)
- United Nations Convention of the Right for Persons with Disability (UNCRPD).
DAF contributes to improved access and better quality of learning through four strategic focus areas namely:
- Education in Emergencies (EiE);
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET);
- Education Sector Development and Teacher Education Development.
It is important to note that we leverage on partnerships to deliver our programs since the societal transformation we expect to see must be inclusive, owned and sustainable. DAF continues to partner with diverse stakeholders ranging from local and international as well as other civil society organizations to achieve our mission. Some of the milestones achieved include: - Provision of assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and the elderly population. People who have disabilities often have difficulty performing activities of daily
living independently, or even with assistance. In partnership with our partners we have so far given 1,400 wheel chairs to PwDs. - Enhance the movement of children with visual impairment and deaf by donating a school van to help them get to school in time and in dignified and acceptable way.
- Donated three ambulances to Madina Hospital in Mogadishu to help rescue the vulnerable and needy persons including PwDs.
- Lobbied for the domestication of the United Nations Convention of the Right for Persons with Disability (UNCRPD) in Somalia and establishment of the National Disability Agency.
The education programme objectives:
To support children with disabilities in Somalia to pursue an education in mainstream, specialized and/or vocational institutions.
- DAF Education Projects.
SEAQE project’s objective is that all learners, regardless of background, ability and gender,
equitably access, engage and learn in inclusive educational institutions. DAF role in this project is to mainstream the component of disability to enhance access of education to Children with Disabilities (CwDs). ADRA Somalia thus mandated DAF to: Train Teachers in Basic Braille Literacy - Provide training on Special Needs Education Centers and Support creation of SNEs centers.
- Supported development of teaching and learning Aids for CwDs