Our Approach

Our Approach

DAF approach is aimed at eliminating the “disability” barriers in the environment and it affirms that all human beings irrespective of their disabilities have certain rights which are inalienable. The approach is anchored upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which states, “all human beings are born free and equal in rights and dignity.” DAF goal is to empower communities and PwDs through advocacy and information sharing to enable them to be fully aware of their human rights and to actualize their full potential. This entails working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Our approach is focused on responding to the PWD’s essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. The approach consists of two elements:

  •  The development of PWDs (Disability development) and;
  •  The accessibility of their environment (Enabling Environment).
    Key method used in our our approach is Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). CBR involves working closely with persons with disabilities, their families, service providers, local government and other relevant stakeholders to remove barriers that result in the exclusion of persons with disabilities from participation in community life.
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